The training manager has become a key player in companies. They develop collaborators’ skills, ensures their professional mobility, and diversifies and masters all the training tools. They also ensure the consistency of the training with the company’s strategy. In this context, the “Learning & Development” course allows you to develop all the necessary skills in a practical manner, from the analysis of needs during training to the assessment of concrete results in the workplace.
General aims of the certified path:
To understand the stakes of the position of training manager
To be able to set up a training process, from needs analysis during training to result assessment
To be able to choose the training tools adapted to the audience and the professional environment
Module 1: Settle in Your Role - 24/09/2025
Knowing your role and your tasks as a training manager
Being able to position yourself within the company's overall training strategy
Key skills
Finding your place in the Human Resources department
Developing the skills of the staff
Integrating and train new staff
Managing a team
The role of training in a company
Knowing the company strategic choices
Developing the training offer according to the allocated budget
Building a skills framework adapted to the company
Mastering training systems
The rules of continuing professional training
The legal obligations of training
Co-financing and the training
The stakeholders in continuing vocational training
Module 2: Collect and Analyse Training Needs - Build Your Training Plan - 08/10/2025
Identifying the individual or group needs in training
Developing tools to help identify training needs
Analyzing the information provided by the applicant
Defining your training strategy
The company's training strategy
The skills development plan
Identifying and analyzing needs
The needs analysis
The different types of needs
The survey methods and questions to ask
The articulation of goals
What to do? Who does it?
Building your training plan
Tool choice to consolidate data
Organizing training in line with the company's strategy
Defining training priorities
Evaluating the data associated to the plan
Module 3: Integrate All Modes of Learning Into Your Training Plan - 22/10/2025
Knowing the different modes of learning
Choosing the training tool adapted to the audience and the training goals
Become familiar with the different types of pedagogical methods and training activities
The different modes of learning:
Virtual classroom
Blended learning
Video capsules
Serious game…
Choosing the modes of learning according to:
The audience
The company’s activities
The topics of the training courses
The allocated budget
Communicate clearly on the choice of distance learning:
Why choose distance learning
Communicate the training goals to be achieved
Defining new learning rules - the challenges and attitudes related to distance learning
The different training methods used
The different teaching methods used by trainers
Choose the right teaching method for the target audience, training objectives and training topic
Group dynamics and animation in training
Different types of audience
Animation techniques
The impact of group dynamics
Module 4: Elaborating the Specifications of a Training Project - 12/11/2025
To collect and synthesize all the necessary information to create the specifications for a training project
Studying the context of the request
The purpose and the stakes: the various levels of goals
The field covered
The stakeholders involved
The resources to manage
Analyzing the existing situation
Reminder about individual needs, group needs, and professional needs
Specifications for individuals
Determining organizational choices
Envisioning the various possible training responses
Determining the desired teaching methods and the success indicators
Determining the conditions for implementation
Identifying constraints and taking the cost into account
Determining the timeline and the training schedule
Estimating the budget
Validating the involvement of the stakeholders
Writing the document
Writing clear and concise specifications
Writing a call for tender
Module 5: Evaluating Your Training and Project Activities: Measure the Efficiency and the Added Value - 03/12/2025
Understand the constraints linked to the evaluation of training activity
Quantifying the potential gaps between the original goals and the results
Use indicators and share results
The role of evaluation in training activity
The different evaluation types and methods
Evaluation according to the identified needs
Evaluation and the company’s strategic goals
Evaluation and the personal goals of each individual
Evaluation along the training activity
What should be evaluated during the training project?
Pre-training evaluation – During training activity – Post-training evaluation
Results analysis
Creating an action plan according to the results
The indicators linked to evaluations
Selection of training indicators
Financial indicators
Indicators related to internal clients / attendees
Indicators related to the training process
Indicators linked to internal / external service providers
Analysis and reporting of key indicators
Analyse your indicators
Choosing the right indicators to report to the right audience
Module 6: Workshop “Use Cases” in Training - 17/12/2025
Linking the training policy to the company’s strategic axes
Adopt the right training strategy according to the project
End-of-course exam
Feedback and presentation of individual intersession work
Presentation of Use Cases
Building an individual action plan
Target Audience
Human Resources Manager, Training Manager, or anyone tasked with gathering training needs
Course Material
The training material will be handed out at the beginning of the course.
A multiple-choice exam certifies this course.
L-1615 Luxembourg